Sunday, June 18, 2006

Here's a webcomics twofer!

Gone With the Blastwave
16 comics in, and it's already #10 on Buzz. Holy crap. Where'd this comic come from, again?

From what I hear, it was linked by Ctrl-Alt-Del, hence its sudden popularity. I suppose enough incoming visitors stayed to vote in droves and bring it up the list. But! Thankfully, the strip's not without its merit. In fact, it's really quite good. With a setting similar to Post-Nuke and a humor style reminiscent of Red vs. Blue, GWtBW makes for quite an entertaining read. This strip especially gave me quite a laugh.

Cheshire Crossing
Call me a sucker for crossovers, but the idea of Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz," Alice from "Alice in Wonderland," and Wendy from "Peter Pan" all being brought together for purposes yet to be revealed really piques my interest. Although I must admit, the more period-correct "League of Extraordinary Gentleman" (another crossover comic with a similar premise) has sort of spoiled me. While it's possible that Dorothy and Wendy could meet, being that their respective books' publication dates (and thus their own time periods) are set around the early 1900s, how can Alice be involved if she's from 30 years prior? It's best not to ask questions, because altogether Cheshire Crossing is very promising. While I don't much care for Weir's art style (for as enormously shapely as he draws his women, they sure look tremendously unappealing), the writing keeps the characters interesting and dynamic enough to keep reading, with bits of situational humor thrown in to sweeten the deal.

Oh, and it has Mary Poppins.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Here’s the latest Rockstar Weekend strip:

Here’s a comic script I wrote 3 months ago, appearing as it was the day I wrote it:

Chris: I’m telling you, alcohol lets a person really be themselves!
term: No, it doesn’t. If a person is who they naturally are without any foreign chemicals invading their body, then that’s who they are.
term: If they’re acting without any inhibitors, then that’s the person with inhibited inhibitors. It’s not really them naturally.
Chris: You stupid… shuddap.
term: Are you drunk right now?!
Chris: Ysno.

The two share nearly the exact same punchline. Of course, perhaps it’s a punchline that’s been shared with comics (or punchlines in general) from before, but all the same, the two are very similar (especially with the presence of an "s" in front of the Drunk's final word).

Am I claiming that Rockstar Weekend somehow delved into my Ideas.doc file and stole my idea? Certainly not. Rather, I’m pointing out that two people, entirely separated, can come up with nearly, if not exactly, the same idea.

Case and point: below is a Bizarro strip, which appeared in the Sunday funny pages September 2nd, 2001:

Here’s a strip from Marbles, dated March 27th, 2006:

Is five years long enough for the Bizarro strip to sink into the backs of the Marbles’ creators’ minds and allow them to subconsciously rip it off, or is this another case of unfortunate similarity? Certainly there are some who'd be quick to claim that Marbles is stealing Bizarro's ideas since the Bizarro strip inarguably appeared first, but I'm sure Marbles doesn't even know that Bizarro exists at all.

All the same, since I know about the Rockstar Weekend strip, I can't use that idea of mine. Not in its current form, anyway.