A good while ago , Erik Shoenek returned from a hiatus from Loserz, and in the process forcefully injected his comic with a heavy dosage of anime/manga (or whatever the hell the term is for the situation) influence, which you can see from before the hiatus, and after the hiatus. He’s removed noses, enlarged the eyes, and further unbalanced the head/body ratio. While rough in the beginning, the strip has, for the most part, maintained a steady style to it. However, in the most recent strip, the awkwardness of the forced changes show themselves. Shoenek simply hasn’t figure out how to work mouths in. Oh, I know what he’s trying to do. Repository of Dangerous Things worked with a similar style of mouths for a single panel of a strip, afterwards never using it again.

From that, I can only gather it’s hard. All the same, when I see the mouths Shoenek uses, all I see is a girl with the bottom of her face missing, and another girl with a beak.

And in the last panel, where he definitely tries to inject the chibi-style of “peg arms” anime enthusiasts seem to love, I see this:

From that, I can only gather it’s hard. All the same, when I see the mouths Shoenek uses, all I see is a girl with the bottom of her face missing, and another girl with a beak.

And in the last panel, where he definitely tries to inject the chibi-style of “peg arms” anime enthusiasts seem to love, I see this: